Dr. Caroline Kranabetter

Since studying psychology, Caroline has been interested in the question of how good work can succeed. In her doctorate, she examined the role of managers as shapers of motivation, health and performance in organizations. In order to dovetail science and practice, she worked with various companies and translated research findings into concrete development measures for people and organizations.
She lived out her passion for the design of tailor-made, effective learning and development journeys for several years in a management consultancy, where she designed and implemented management programs, assessment & development centers and team development measures for multinational companies. Fascinated by the moments in which people find access to their resources, aha-moments and new solutions emerge, Caroline underwent further (systemic) training for individual and team coaching, including at isb Wiesloch.
In her self-employment, Caroline focuses on leadership development in the changing world of work as well as coaching to help people shape their work - and their lives - in line with their goals and needs.
Her work draws on her background in psychology and science, a full hypno-systemic methodological toolbox as well as contextual knowledge and experience from working with different people in small and large, local and multinational companies.
Clients appreciate her structured, analytical work, which, paired with creativity, lightness and humor, stimulates changes in perspective: seeing more clearly, seeing more, seeing differently.
Main areas of work:
Leadership development
- Design and implementation of development programs
- Position assessment (assessment and development center)
- Training and workshops on various topics (e.g. communication, healthy leadership)
- Leadership coaching (reflecting on your own role, determining your position, expanding your skills)
- Career coaching (finding the right fit in the job, coherent career development, reorientation)
- Personal development and self-management
- Strengthening resilience and competence in dealing with stress
- Finding the right decisions in the face of ambivalence and uncertainty
Team development
- Supporting teams to strengthen trust, collaboration and resilience
Qualifications & certifications
- 2024 GK Quest Akademie - Motivational Interviewing
- 2023 Milton-Erickson-Institut Heidelberg - Ambivalenzen und Entscheidungsstrategien bei Ungewissheit
- 2020 Team CoCreative, Köln - Virtuelle Aufstellungen
- 2020 Tibethaus Frankfurt, Mindfulness-based stress-reduction (MBSR)
- 2018 - 2019 isb Wiesloch - Systemisches Coaching und Teamentwicklung II
- 2017 Reteaming Institut, Scharnstein, Österreich - Reteaming Coach und Teamentwicklerin
- 2016 - 2020 Persönlichkeitsdiagnostik - PAPI (Cubiks), OPQ & Leaders’ Edge (SHL), Hogan
- 2013 - 2014 isb Wiesloch - Systemische Beratung für Junior Professionals
- 2011 Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen Nürnberg - Train the trainer mediation und interkulturelle Kompetenz
Kranabetter, C. & Niessen, C. (in Vorbereitung). Job Crafting als Intervention im Karrierecoaching.
Kranabetter, C. & Niessen, C. (2019). Need satisfaction at work and depressive symptoms: The role of appreciative leadership. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.
Kranabetter, C. & Niessen, C. (2017). Managers as role models for health: Strengthening the relationship between transformational leadership and employee exhaustion and cynicism. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.
Kranabetter, C. & Niessen, C. (2016). How managers respond to exhausted employees. Journal of Personnel Psychology.
Kranabetter, C. (2010). Persönliche Entwicklungsziele von Frauen in Führungspositionen. AkademikerVerlag.