Yana Gebhardt

During her studies to become an industrial engineer, she discovered her love for improvisational theatre. Since then, she has frequently been on stage with her professional ensemble, creating stories and actions in the here and now, seemingly out of nothing. Deep respect for her colleagues and their ideas, a commitment to respectful collaboration, effective and clear communication, and a focus on each partner's strengths, along with a healthy dose of flexibility and self-responsibility, are essential for Yana's work on stage. She has been promoting these principles and skills as an independent trainer in organizations since 2002. Since her training as a systemic consultant and team developer, Yana has combined systemic and agile methods and thus supports teams and individuals in seizing the moment and remaining clear, agile and capable of action even in challenging situations.
With over 20 years of stage experience and interaction with audiences, Yana's other passion is moderating events, large group processes, workshops and meetings.
In everything she does, Yana brings together clarity, structure and playful lightness. Learning and development can also be fun.
Current areas of focus
Training & coaching in agile teams and organisations
- Agile skills
- Team development
- Improvisation
- Conflict management/dealing with mistakes
Seminars and training
- Improvisational theatre/ practical improvisation
- Presentation
- Moderation of group processes
- Communication
- Storytelling
Moderation of
- Workshops
- Team development
- Large groups
- Conflict discussions
- Supervision
- Presentation and moderation
- Spontaneity and flexibility
- Personal development
- Conflict management
- Stress management
- Insomnia
Organizational and Cultural Development
- Agile organizational and work processes
- Collegial leadership
- Developing a culture of learning from mistakes
- 1995 – 1998: School for Speech Therapy, Göttingen: Training as a state-approved speech therapist
- 1993 – present: Actress and trainer at instant impro improvisation theatre
- 1998 – 2005: various further training courses in improvisational theatre and practical improvisation
- 1999: Rabine Institute, Bündigen: Further training in voice, body, emotional expression
- 2000 – 2010: various further trainings in moderation
- 2009 – 2010: Consensa Projektberatung, Hamburg: Training as process-oriented project manager
- 2011: Consensa Projektberatung, Hamburg: Further training in reflecting and changing personal behaviour
- 2012: Consensa Projektberatung, Hamburg; advanced training in change management
- 2013 – 2014: Institute for Systemic Consulting, Wiesloch: Training in systemic consulting and team development
- 2015: Verres, Greece: Further training in transactional analysis
- 2017: BrainStore, Zurich: Advanced training BrainStore Innovation ChampTraining
- 2017: Oestereich/ Schröder, Hamburg: Advanced training in agile organisational facilitation
"Improvisation is the art of preparing well for the unexpected." (Willy Milowitsch)